Wheeleez™ Beach Conversion Kits for Wagons and Beach Carts quickly convert most conventional wagons and some carts into a beach ready wagons. Replacing the existing undercarriage on your wagon and adding our Polyurethane Balloon Wheels gives you the best beach day advantage. Upgrade your Sandusky Wagon using Wheeleez™ Sandusky Conversion Kit so that it can handle soft sand and other challenging terrain. With Wheeleez™ polyurethane balloon wheels the beach is no longer off limits to your Sandusky Wagon.

Wonder Wheeler Beach Conversion Kits by Wheeleez™ quickly convert the hard-plastic stock wheels that plow into the sand with our Polyurethane Beach Balloon Wheels. Your Wonder Wheeler Style Beach Carts will float over the beach sand with minimum effort making your day at the beach better. Available in two sizes.